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Can a portable large-format CNC router deliver power and precision?

Can a portable large-format CNC router deliver power and precision?

One of the common questions new customers ask us when visiting Yeti Tool for the first time is can a portable large-format CNC router deliver power and precision?

We believe that SmartBench provides the answer, and not just because it is the only portable large-format CNC router available on the market.

There are countless customer projects available to review on our website all highlighting the flexibility, precision, speed and ease with which our SmartBench handles various projects of all different sectors and sizes.

We also get an incredible amount of positive feedback via our Facebook Page where we share our customers stories with SmartBench.

Our Yeti Tool Talk Group on Facebook is an informative and powerful online community where hundreds of SmartBench users share their experiences of working with the world's only portable large-format CNC router. We also provide hints and tips for others to make the most of their SmartBench's capacity.

Within 12 months of being launched, an industry publication called the SmartBench 'A Seed Change in the CNC world' - you can read their full review here to find out more.

In recent months, more and more customers have been impressed with the speed and precision with which a SmartBench can complete projects.

One of our customers Edinburgh Open Workshop commented on our Facebook Yeti Tool Talk Group the following feedback recently:

"Took the plunge on a client's job using the 1/8th single pass cutter instead of a 1/4 inch 7-pass job on 18mm spruce. Took 20 minutes with one tool instead of 1 hour 45 minutes with two. Game changer."

Visit here to find out more about how SmartBench has transformed its business.

To find out more about our unique SmartBench portable large-format CNC Router, please get in touch with us here.


portable large format CNC router


