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Which large-format CNC router has the lowest running costs?

Which large-format CNC router has the lowest running costs?

With the UK on the possible brink of a recession and utility bills for businesses rising higher throughout 2022, we decided to carry out research to show customers how much money they can save by using SamrtBench.

We also compared the numbers with a standard flatbed CNC router. The results were astonishing.

To run a SmartBench on a CNC project for 8 hours using electricity at a rate of 52 pence per kW costs £11.44. This is basing the cost per hour at £1.43.

In comparison, a standard 9kw spindle flatbed CNC running for the same period with the same electricity rate of 52 pence per kW on a CNC project costs £62.40, and an hourly electricity cost of £7.80.

SmartBench from Yeti Tool also delivers a return on initial investment four times faster than a standard flatbed CNC.

SmartBench will pay for itself after 14 projects, whereas a standard flatbed CNC requires 62 projects to pay off the initial investment.

Furthermore, SmartBench delivers projects faster and with more accuracy.

SmartBench can complete a project in 4 hours that would take at least a day to complete manually, or 7-10 days if outsourced.

The profit margins from SmartBench are also impressively higher than other methods. SmartBench delivers £477 profit on the average project compared to only £348 from outsourcing and £178 profit when completing it manually.

Read this to find out how SmartBench can help a small business grow.

Visit here to find out why SmartBench represents such a cost-effective CNC solution for so many of our customers. 

To find out more about our unique SmartBench portable large-format CNC Router, please get in touch with us here.


large-format CNC lowest running costs


