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Crow House Creative

Crow House Creative

Meet Crow House Creative

Crown House Creative is a prop making business based in Kent, UK. Jay, the director, has been running this business for 8 years and before that was a furniture maker - so he has plenty of experience in the woodworking world. 

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Crow House Creative and SmartBench

Jay uses SmartBench for "everything he can!" As a propmaker he had been using other CNC companies to outsource any cutting but he "wanted to to have more ability to prototype in house." He plans, in the future, to create a range of products that can be sold in addition to his freelance work. A lot of these will be based on SmartBench and its capabilities.

Jay describes his SmartBench as an extra employee and says his favourite feature is YetiPilot, adaptive feed rate control.

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SmartBench is "Efficient, effective and innovative"

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Instagram: @crowhousecreative



Smartrouted Projects, Exhibition & Set Design
