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Release notes for Console software update v1.8.0

New languages!

Available languages include English (GB), Italiano (IT), and Suomalainen (FI).

More coming soon - ask your distributor about this! 

Core apps have been translated: PRO, Wi-Fi, Maintenance, Update, and System Tools. More apps will be translated in future releases. 


Changing the language on your Console

You can change the language on your Console by going into System Tools > System Info, and selecting your chosen language from the dropdown menu. 

You will need to reboot the Console to apply the language settings. 


New SmartBench users will be able to select the language on start-up

User interface

Haven’t visited the new CNC Academy yet? Click here for full video tutorials on everything CNC and SmartBench. 

We’ve added a new CNC Academy screen to the SmartBench activation sequence, so that new users can access the CNC Academy straight away. 


Wi-Fi and Internet

The Wi-Fi symbol will now show a warning symbol if SmartBench has Wi-Fi on a local network, but can’t connect to the internet.

This will make it easier to diagnose any issues with your internet connection.

If you see this symbol, it indicates that there is probably an issue with your router or hotspot. 


Technical changes

These are the more technical changes that we have put into this release. While they are important for improving SmartBench, there’s definitely some programming jargon in this section!


Improved power loss handling

For SmartBenches with firmware version v1.3.6 and above: software will now respond to the ‘r’ signal for power loss in the status updates. This will trigger a GRBL pause, which will raise the spindle very slightly before power is fully lost. 

This helps to stop the spindle from getting stuck in the workpiece if SmartBench loses power.


Port flexibility

Software will now check several ports to find SmartBench, and look for SmartBench’s welcome message. This makes the software far more agnostic about it’s platform and hardware. 

It can now access the following ports automatically on linux platforms: 

  • ttyS#

  • ttyAMA#

  • USB#

  • ACM# 

It can also use Windows and Mac ports flexibly for development.


Wi-Fi and internet access


Wi-Fi checking has been moved out of screens and widgets and into the settings manager module.

Detect internet access

Wi-Fi check now includes a ping as well as a hostname check. This determines whether the Console is connected to the internet or a local network.

Technical patches

Interrupt bar screen

Increased the delay on unpause after GRBL door so that the Interrupt bar screen does not show up after a job is canceled.

Empty characters to serial

Empty characters would sometimes get passed to serial as encoded characters, and would not be readable, resulting in a serial error. These characters are now handled. 

This would intermittently cause a serial error while using the Shape Cutter app.

Technical notes

Git tag: v1.8.0

Official release name: The Gift of the Gab

Git commit: 0a7bab3

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Benji Pestell

Benji Pestell is the author of this solution

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Updated on Thu, 25 Apr 2024