Yeti Tool Ltd > SmartBench | CNC Routers & Accessories > VCarve Pro software to power your SmartBench

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VCarve Pro


£648.00 Exc VAT

About This Item:

VCarve Pro provides a powerful but intuitive software solution for creating and cutting parts on a SmartBench CNC Router.

Design and create complex 2D patterns directly in VCarve Pro or alternatively simply import a 2D, 2.5D or 3D design from other software packages and turn them into GCode ready to run on SmartBench.

Unlimited job and toolpath size, a full suite of CNC profiling operations, true shape nesting, job gadgets and a built in SmartBench post processor makes VCarve Pro a simple and compelling proposition.

NO SUBSCRIPTIONS! - One payment is all that's required to own and produce with VCarve Pro

  • Import and toolpath 2D and 3D designs from your other favourite programs - see the list of compatible file extentions below
  • Complete set of 2D design and layout tools - Easily create vectors from scratch or import and edit bitmap images
  • 2D routing operations - Profiling, Pocketing, Auto-Inlays, Drilling and Thread Milling as well
  • 2.5D strategies such as V-Carving, Prism carving, Moulding Toolpaths, PhotoVCarve Toolpath Strategy, Chamfer Toolpath, Fluting and decorative Texturing strategy.
  • Two sided machining adds the ability to create double-sided projects in the same session. It avoids the need to have 2 sessions, one for each side.
  • True shape nesting lets you automatically arrange and fit vector shapes into your material size or user definable area, to get optimal material usage and minimum wastage.
  • Improve your workflow and speed up design using the add in functionality found in the gadget library. From Box creator to Dovetail maker to the dogbone tool and even vinyl cutting, there's a range of simple to use add-ins to make your life easier.
  • Support and help all the way with over 30 hours of on-line tutorials on how to get the best out of VCarve Pro
Yeti Tool Knowledge Base
Find out more

Visit the SOFTWARE category in our knowledge base here

File Types


.dxf; .dwg; .eps; .ai; .pdf; .pvc; .v3d; .v3m; .crv; .skp; .svg


.stl; .v3m; .3dm; .skp; .rlf; .3ds; .asc; .prj; .x; .dxf; .lwo; .wrl; .obj

Licence updates and Upgrades

One off payment for the licence - no subscription involved

Vectric License: Once you purchase VCarve Pro we will send an email with a software digital link. Please complete the link to obtain your username, license code and an activation link for your own Vectric account. The software is easily downloaded direct from your account.

Updates: Vectric customers have access to all same product updates free of charge for the first 12 months after purchase. Outside of the auto update period you can pay for an update (to the latest version) through your Vectric account portal.

Upgrades: You are able to upgrade your product to Aspire for the difference in price between the two products.

See for yourself
Find out more about VCarve Pro's capabilities

Drawing & layout tools here

Toolpaths here

3D capabilities here

Two side machining here

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